5 AXIS Machining Centers
Doosan DVF 5000
- Simultaneous 5 Axis machining.
- 12,000 spindle RPM, [FANUC Series] 31I-B5 Control
- Coolant thru spindle
- CAT 40 tool holders 60 stations
- (X)-25 (Y) 18 – inches travel
2 X Kitamura 3XT
- 4+1 5 axis machining
- 12,000 spindle RPM, Arumatik -Mi Control
- Coolant thru spindle
- CAT 40 tool holders, 40 stations
- (X)30 (Y) 20 – inches travel
Milling Machines
Prototrak EMX CNC
- One Trak-K3 Milling Machine with a 50"X10" table and PROTO/TRAK SMX CNC Control.
Prototrak SMX CNC
- One Trak-K3 Milling Machine with a 50"X10" table and PROTO/TRAK SMX CNC Control.
CNC Lathes
Doosan Lynx CNC Lathe
- 20 HP single axis CNC Universal Turning Center. Heavy duty cutting enabled by 15kw
high power spindle motor
CNC Lathe
- Trak TRL 1630HSSX – Electronic hand wheels and joystick, Manual or CNC operation,
Programmable spindle speed, Spindle through hole 1.57
Secondary Equipment
- Kalamazoo horizontal cut off saw
- Four drill presses
- Four Baldor buffers wheels
- Baldor grinder w/ diamond wheel
- Kaiser screw air compressor
- Air flow clean air system/Royal Filtermist
- Vibratory Finisher
- Timesaver
- Vertical Band Saw
Vertical CNC Machining Centers
DN Solutions DNM 750II
- 12,000 RPM Spindle, (FANUC Series) i-
- Plus Control
- Coolant thru spindle
- CAT – 40 tool holder, 30 stations
- (X) 65 (Y) 30 – inches travel
Kitamura MY-4XiD
- 12,000 RPM spindle, (FANUC Series)
- 40 Tool Standard ATC
- (X) 40.02 (Y) 20.01- inches travel
- Solid box guide way
Kitamura MY-4XD
- 12,000 RPM spindle, (FANUC Series) OI – MD Controller
- Coolant through spindle
- Solid Box guide ways
- (X) 43.3 (Y) 24.0 – inches travel
Kitamura MY-3XV
- 15,000 rpm
- Coolant thru spindle
- 30 tool holder stations
- (X) 30.0 (Y) 20.1 – inches travel
Kitamura MY-3XI
- 10,000 RPM spindle, (FANUC Series) 16i-M Control
- Coolant thru spindle
- CAT- 40 tool holder, 30 stations
- (X) 30.0 (Y) 17.75 – inches travel
Solid box guide way
Hardinge 760 XP3
- 12,000 RPM spindle, (FANUC Series) 18 i-MB Control
- Coolant thru spindle
- CAT-40 tool holder, 30 stations
- (X) 29.9 (Y) 24.0 – inches travel
Hardinge GX-480
- 10,000 spindle RPM, [FANUC Series] Oi-MC Control
- Coolant thru spindle
- CAT 40 tool holders, 16 stations
- (X)-18.9 (Y) 15.8 – inches travel